What is Business Coaching?

Coaching is often misunderstood or mistaken for other things. So what exactly is business coaching anyway?

A Small Business Coach is a person who helps business owners to get clear on their goals for the business and help them formulate and implement actionable plans to achieve those goals.

There are many different types of coaches - some specialise in certain industries or aspects of business. There are also coaches that will help you with specific tasks such as setting up your website or provide coaching for the sales process.

What to Expect from a Business Coach

Essentially, the role of a business coach is to facilitate change. The most important thing to understand about coaching is that your coach is not there to give you advice or tell you what to do. If you need that, a business advisor or consultant in the specific area you’re looking to improve is a better choice.

One of the key concepts at the core of coaching, is that the client is the expert in their business and life. The coach’s role is to help the client to find their own answers, identify their challenges and resources, and guide them in creating and implementing a plan.

Importantly, a good coach will truly believe in you and will strike a balance between supporting and encouraging you, and holding you to account in following through on your commitments.

Is Business Coaching Right for You?

Business coaching is an ideal choice for people who are seeking to create change in their life and business and are ready to take action. It works best for people who believe they control their own destiny and are willing to look at things from new perspectives and do things differently.

Coaches provide support and accountability for the client. They help them set goals, find solutions to problems, and develop a plan of action. Coaching can be a great way for someone to learn more about themselves as well as their business.

What is the Difference Between Consulting and Coaching and Counselling?

In a consulting relationship, the consultant is the expert and advises the client on the best way forward. Coaching starts with the premise that the client is the expert and the process supports and empowers them to design and create the changes they want to see.

In a counselling relationship, the client and their counsellor delve deeply into their ‘story’ to uncover the things that are getting in the way. Coaching is a more future-focused process where the past is a stepping stone toward the new future you’re looking to create.

How to Find the Best Coach for Your Situation

When looking for the best coach for you, consider the following:

  • Does the coach have adequate training, credentials and experience?
  • Have they helped other people get the type of results you want?
  • Do you like their style of communicating?
  • What do their clients say about working with them?
  • Do they have sufficient life experience to draw from?
  • Does their personal and/or professional experience support the type of coaching they’re offering?

Are We a Good Fit?

Let’s meet to discuss your business and marketing goals to see if we’re a good fit to work together to grow your business.